Right Attitudes When Reading the Bible

Right Attitudes When Reading the Bible

The Bible: God Speaking to Man The Bible is an ancient text, having first been penned thousands of years ago. It’s also a living text, containing real truths we can apply today and offering invaluable insight into the nature of God and the salvation He freely...
Our True Father

Our True Father

| As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. Psalm 103:13 What do you think when you read this verse? Some of you may think, “Of course our God is a compassionate Father – that’s Who He is!”...
Pruning is Painful

Pruning is Painful

There are seasons we walk through in our lives that just stink. It could be the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, the demise of a dream, or the ending of a relationship, but sometimes life just seems to really stink. Challenges will come, and how we handle...
What Now? A Christian Response

What Now? A Christian Response

Many American Christians are struggling with feelings of fear, confusion, abandonment, and disgust at the state of affairs and government in the United States at the start of 2021. We have certainly seen some troubling situations appear, and the news keeps looking...

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