The Woman of Samaria (Part 2)

The Woman of Samaria (Part 2)

Last week we looked at how Jesus asked the woman at the well in Samaria for water to show her the need in her own heart.  This week, we will look at her response to His offer. One thing that stuck out to me as I was reading this story of redemption is her immediate...
The Woman of Samaria (Part 2)

The Woman of Samaria (Part 1)

John 4:7-14 7 There came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.” 8 For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy food. 9 Therefore the Samaritan woman said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask me for a drink since I am a...
How to not let politics steal your peace

How to not let politics steal your peace

We see chaos and strife all around us everyday, especially in the news concerning our government. God’s Word gives us clear direction concerning our role in this scenario. “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be...
What To Do When You’re Waiting On A Miracle

What To Do When You’re Waiting On A Miracle

We All Need A Miracle Sometimes No matter how long you have walked with the Lord, whether it’s only been 6 months or over 30 years, we all come to a point, a challenge, a need that is just too big. We find ourselves taking stock of our resources, time, and...
Changing The View On Sin

Changing The View On Sin

Our Response to Sin People sin around us all day every day. If you are on social media or the news, sin is plastered from dawn to dusk and even after that! We even engage in it from time to time ourselves when we forget who we are now in Christ. What is our response...
God’s Grace – Free Phone and Desktop Wallpapers

God’s Grace – Free Phone and Desktop Wallpapers

God Has Grace For You! What a great reminder this verse is. Download this free wallpaper for your phone, tablet, or computer, and meditate on God’s grace! Download now! How to download: Tap or click on the image Phone users, when the image appears in a new...
Reap Your Harvest – Free Phone and Desktop Wallpapers

Reap Your Harvest – Free Phone and Desktop Wallpapers

Reap Your Harvest! God has a harvest for you! Download this free wallpaper for your phone, tablet, or computer, and get ready to sow peace and reap righteousness. Download now! How to download: Tap or click on the image Phone users, when the image appears in a new...
Sharon’s 5 Favorite Verses

Sharon’s 5 Favorite Verses

The Impact of Scripture In this episode, we’re going to dive into Sharon’s favorite verses. It’s always interesting to try to boil it down to five. To really boil it down to five was difficult for Sharon. She doesn’t even know if she really got...
Get Restored – Free Phone and Desktop Wallpapers

Get Restored – Free Phone and Desktop Wallpapers

Get Restored! Has this been a challenging or draining year for you? God wants to restore you! Download this free wallpaper for your phone, tablet, or computer, and feel refreshed and restored by His Word! Download now! How to download: Tap or click on the image Phone...
Be Satisfied in Him – Free Phone and Desktop Wallpapers

Be Satisfied in Him – Free Phone and Desktop Wallpapers

Be Satisfied in Him! God’s presence brings joy and peace that truly satisfy. Download this free wallpaper for your phone, tablet, or computer, and enjoy being in His presence every day! Download now! How to download: Tap or click on the image Phone users, when...

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