Changing The View On Sin

Changing The View On Sin

Our Response to Sin People sin around us all day every day. If you are on social media or the news, sin is plastered from dawn to dusk and even after that! We even engage in it from time to time ourselves when we forget who we are now in Christ. What is our response...
Learning From The Early Church

Learning From The Early Church

Growing Pains As we read through the book of Acts, in chapter 6, we see the brand new church of Jesus Christ growing. As this growth occurs, some new problems arise as a result and we see division start to split this once unified congregation into ethnic rivalries....
How Can I Get God To Move?

How Can I Get God To Move?

How Does The Will Of God Get Accomplished? We’ve all been in a situation where we felt hopeless – maybe you feel that way even now. Seemingly insurmountable obstacles stack higher and higher in front of us and we don’t see any way forward. We cry out to...
Let Jesus Carry That Burden

Let Jesus Carry That Burden

What It Means To Be Burdened We carry a lot more emotional weight and burdens in our hearts than we realize. We carry it for so long that we become numb to it. Traumatic events from our childhoods, scars left from relationships, stress of everyday living, it all...

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