Marriage, Money, Parenting, Prayer, Spiritual Growth
Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32 (NASB) I found myself having a very amusing conversation with the Lord today during my prayer time. I was actually trying to convince God to meet my needs—trying to...
For Ministers, Spiritual Growth
So many churches and ministries are teaching and preaching different, sometimes contradictory, messages. If we are given the task by God to teach or preach His Word, how can we be sure we are teaching the truth? God Has the Answer in His Word Until I come, give...
Marriage, Money, Parenting, Prayer, Spiritual Growth
We all have challenging situations in our lives from time to time. Sometimes it’s a financial strain we can’t overcome. Perhaps it’s a health problem we have struggled to improve. Sometimes it’s a family situation we don’t know how to handle. We pray for help and...
Marriage, Spiritual Growth
Why did I start a small group while selling my house? Good Question. The answer is the last line of this post. We are moving but let’s just say I haven’t been obedient in my heart. I wasn’t following what God was calling me to do. Disobedience took over and much like...