Why Are American Teens Suffering?
America’s youth are suffering, as is obvious in recent tragic events. The pain of their everyday lives is plastered on every news outlet and social media. So what is the cause? Why are our children experiencing such chaos, disaster, and hurt? One possible answer is anxiety.
“Nearly one in three adolescents (31.9%) will meet criteria for an anxiety disorder by the age of 18” (Child Mind Institute).
While this is not the sole cause of recent events, it is a staggering reality. Almost a third of America’s children suffer from anxiety every day, and that number is rising. But what is anxiety, and how does it affect the body?
“Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure. People with anxiety disorders usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns. They may avoid certain situations out of worry. They may also have physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, dizziness or a rapid heartbeat” (American Psychological Association).
Anxiety is fear, fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the future—these are the things plaguing children today, and it is damaging them. In this blog series, we will be discussing three facets of anxiety, three C’s which will help you understand the reality of everyday life for America’s youth.
These three C’s of anxiety are:
- Characteristics of anxiety: How to recognize anxiety in others and yourself, how some people with anxiety try to cope, and symptoms of anxiety.
- Causes of anxiety: Pressure to succeed academically, to maintain relationships, and to find an identity.
- Cure of anxiety: Finding identity, acceptance, and purpose in Christ, which changes our lives from the inside out.
Hopefully by the end of the series, you will be equipped to identify and combat the feelings of hopelessness and fear anxiety brings. In Christ, you are freed from all bondage.
It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1
His will is for you to live in victory every day. Fear comes from the enemy, and does not have to be your reality. You can be free.
Do you, or a loved one, suffer from anxiety?
“Anxiety.” Monitor on Psychology, American Psychological Association, www.apa.org/topics/anxiety/.
“Anxiety and Depression in Adolescence.” Child Mind Institute, Child Mind Institute, childmind.org/report/2017-childrens-mental-health-report/anxiety-depression-adolescence/.

Hannah Fletcher
Writer and Student
Hannah Fletcher is a senior at Oral Roberts University majoring in writing. She is managing editor of the university yearbook, Vice President of the English Club and loves all the puppies of the world.