As we see here, God absolutely wants to prosper you and for you to be healthy and whole. Too many people believe the wrong message that God is a judgmental God bent on punishing those who have sinned. This is not what God wants. God sent Jesus to save the world, not judge it (see John 3:17).
Once you make Jesus your Lord, you are transformed into a child of God, forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness. Now as we grow, as our soul (mind, will and emotions) are changed from spending time in God’s word and presence, we can expect His love and power to invade our lives. We can expect His blessings, His prosperity and health to come.

Greg Fletcher
Author, Teacher, Speaker
Greg’s love of the Word of God has helped him to grow and mentor others as well as co-author several books and studies with his wife Sharon. Greg’s strengths include a strong sense of humor and analogies that help illustrate principles from the Bible in order to help people absorb the truth that God shares in His Word.