Learning From The Early Church

Learning From The Early Church

Growing Pains As we read through the book of Acts, in chapter 6, we see the brand new church of Jesus Christ growing. As this growth occurs, some new problems arise as a result and we see division start to split this once unified congregation into ethnic rivalries....
How Can I Get God To Move?

How Can I Get God To Move?

How Does The Will Of God Get Accomplished? We’ve all been in a situation where we felt hopeless – maybe you feel that way even now. Seemingly insurmountable obstacles stack higher and higher in front of us and we don’t see any way forward. We cry out to...
The Hardest Lesson of Forgiveness

The Hardest Lesson of Forgiveness

One of the hardest lessons God asks us to learn as believers is how to forgive others that have treated us unfairly. It seems especially egregious when those people are our brothers or sisters in Christ and they don’t seem penitent in the least or even acknowledge the...
Getting Offended Is A Choice

Getting Offended Is A Choice

What It Means to Get Offended No matter where you look, it seems like there is always something to be upset or angry about. Relationships feel strained after more than a year of quarantining, every social media platform is full of people unafraid to share any opinion...

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