Let Jesus Carry That Burden

Let Jesus Carry That Burden

What It Means To Be Burdened We carry a lot more emotional weight and burdens in our hearts than we realize. We carry it for so long that we become numb to it. Traumatic events from our childhoods, scars left from relationships, stress of everyday living, it all...
The Hardest Lesson of Forgiveness

The Hardest Lesson of Forgiveness

One of the hardest lessons God asks us to learn as believers is how to forgive others that have treated us unfairly. It seems especially egregious when those people are our brothers or sisters in Christ and they don’t seem penitent in the least or even acknowledge the...
Pruning is Painful

Pruning is Painful

There are seasons we walk through in our lives that just stink. It could be the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, the demise of a dream, or the ending of a relationship, but sometimes life just seems to really stink. Challenges will come, and how we handle...
Holding on to Hope in 2020

Holding on to Hope in 2020

Are You Feeling Hopeless This Season? So many Christians are feeling despondent, discouraged, or depressed in the face of the resurgence of the Covid-19 virus in our country and around the world, the continued lockdowns in many areas of our country, the economic...

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