3 Ways to Boost Your Mood Instantly

3 Ways to Boost Your Mood Instantly

Turning Your Mood From Bad to Good Is today just not going how you wanted it to? Maybe there was no one thing that went specifically wrong, but a million small inconveniences have piled up and suddenly now everything feels like a chore. Some Christians fall into the...
Anger’s Role In A Christian’s Life

Anger’s Role In A Christian’s Life

When it comes to the Christian walk, anger can sometimes be complicated. Many Christians feel that anger is sinful, as we are called to be gentle and meek as Jesus was. A good Christian will always turn the other cheek in every situation, never defending themselves or...
Getting Offended Is A Choice

Getting Offended Is A Choice

What It Means to Get Offended No matter where you look, it seems like there is always something to be upset or angry about. Relationships feel strained after more than a year of quarantining, every social media platform is full of people unafraid to share any opinion...

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