Changing The View On Sin

Changing The View On Sin

Our Response to Sin People sin around us all day every day. If you are on social media or the news, sin is plastered from dawn to dusk and even after that! We even engage in it from time to time ourselves when we forget who we are now in Christ. What is our response...
What Does It Mean to Surrender?

What Does It Mean to Surrender?

Often when people hear the word, “surrender,” it invokes a desire to reject it. It draws up feelings of weakness, even helplessness, and a battle lost. If you surrender, you weren’t strong enough to keep going, to complete your chosen task....
Anger’s Role In A Christian’s Life

Anger’s Role In A Christian’s Life

When it comes to the Christian walk, anger can sometimes be complicated. Many Christians feel that anger is sinful, as we are called to be gentle and meek as Jesus was. A good Christian will always turn the other cheek in every situation, never defending themselves or...
Let Jesus Carry That Burden

Let Jesus Carry That Burden

What It Means To Be Burdened We carry a lot more emotional weight and burdens in our hearts than we realize. We carry it for so long that we become numb to it. Traumatic events from our childhoods, scars left from relationships, stress of everyday living, it all...
The Hardest Lesson of Forgiveness

The Hardest Lesson of Forgiveness

One of the hardest lessons God asks us to learn as believers is how to forgive others that have treated us unfairly. It seems especially egregious when those people are our brothers or sisters in Christ and they don’t seem penitent in the least or even acknowledge the...

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