Getting Offended Is A Choice

Getting Offended Is A Choice

What It Means to Get Offended No matter where you look, it seems like there is always something to be upset or angry about. Relationships feel strained after more than a year of quarantining, every social media platform is full of people unafraid to share any opinion...
The Power of Believing the Best

The Power of Believing the Best

What Does It Mean? “Believing the best” is a term many Christians are familiar with, but may not have taken the time to truly contemplate. It’s heard floating around in church, even spoken from the pulpit, but what does it actually mean?  Believing the best is so much...
Our True Father

Our True Father

| As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. Psalm 103:13 What do you think when you read this verse? Some of you may think, “Of course our God is a compassionate Father – that’s Who He is!”...

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