What Does It Mean to Surrender?

What Does It Mean to Surrender?

Often when people hear the word, “surrender,” it invokes a desire to reject it. It draws up feelings of weakness, even helplessness, and a battle lost. If you surrender, you weren’t strong enough to keep going, to complete your chosen task....
Is God Mad At Me?

Is God Mad At Me?

“Is God mad at me?” This is a question so many people have wrestled with. An all-powerful God Who knows our deepest secrets and sees our lives from beginning to end, Who is Himself perfect in all ways and hates sin, which corrupts everything it touches –...
3 Ways to Boost Your Mood Instantly

3 Ways to Boost Your Mood Instantly

Turning Your Mood From Bad to Good Is today just not going how you wanted it to? Maybe there was no one thing that went specifically wrong, but a million small inconveniences have piled up and suddenly now everything feels like a chore. Some Christians fall into the...
Learning From The Early Church

Learning From The Early Church

Growing Pains As we read through the book of Acts, in chapter 6, we see the brand new church of Jesus Christ growing. As this growth occurs, some new problems arise as a result and we see division start to split this once unified congregation into ethnic rivalries....

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