3 Ways to Boost Your Mood Instantly

3 Ways to Boost Your Mood Instantly

Turning Your Mood From Bad to Good Is today just not going how you wanted it to? Maybe there was no one thing that went specifically wrong, but a million small inconveniences have piled up and suddenly now everything feels like a chore. Some Christians fall into the...
The Hardest Lesson of Forgiveness

The Hardest Lesson of Forgiveness

One of the hardest lessons God asks us to learn as believers is how to forgive others that have treated us unfairly. It seems especially egregious when those people are our brothers or sisters in Christ and they don’t seem penitent in the least or even acknowledge the...
The Power of Believing the Best

The Power of Believing the Best

What Does It Mean? “Believing the best” is a term many Christians are familiar with, but may not have taken the time to truly contemplate. It’s heard floating around in church, even spoken from the pulpit, but what does it actually mean?  Believing the best is so much...
Why Do We Fast?

Why Do We Fast?

What is Fasting? Fasting is a practice seen both in the Old and New Testaments, but how does it relate to the modern Christian? In some circles, fasting has been assigned only to the most zealous, seen as an extreme exercise most Christians need not concern themselves...

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