Learn how the peace of Christ can help you achieve God’s best for your life!
An amazing study written by Bible teachers Greg & Sharon Fletcher. They share powerful principles and insight that they have learned in over 25 years of study and application. You will learn how to walk in the powerful presence of Jesus and see God move in your life and relationships.
Fourth Edition Now Available!
The 4th Edition of Powerful Peace is now available for purchase in paperback and Kindle! Greg and Sharon Fletcher have partnered with Trilogy Christian Publishing to make the latest version of Powerful Peace available to everyone.
Video Table of Contents
The is a video playlist. Click the arrow to cycle through the chapter introductions
Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- What is Peace?
- God’s Best
- The Theif of Peace
- How To Get Out Of Strife
- Spirit, Soul & Body
- Working vs. Bearing
- Walking In Love
- Jealousy
- Unforgiveness
- Taking Offense
- Worry & Self-Care
- Criticism
- Judgment
- Gossip, Slander & Talerbearing
- Debate
- The Power of Unity
- Peaceful Warfare
- Peace with God
- Peace with Yourself
- Peace with Your Spouse
- Peace with Your Children
- Practical Peace
- The Purpose of Peace
See Greg & Sharon Fletcher’s testimony about why they wrote Powerful Peace!
Read what others are saying about Powerful Peace…
I have never grown sooooo much in my faith and my relationship with God from one book. It has changed my life in so many ways and changed how I view everything. It has made all my relationships better. I cannot express my gratitude enough for the time and effort that Greg and Sharon put into this book.
My husband and I went through this teaching with a group of about 60 people. Not only did I see the incredible changes in our lives, I got to see it infiltrate through our church for months afterwards. I have never felt so submitted to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our marriage is stronger and healthier. Our kids are healthier and happier. We have learned that peace is already there and available to us….we just have to WALK IN LOVE to receive it. Thank you Greg and Sharon for your obedience to God in writing this life changing book!!!!
I originally signed up to take Powerful Peace so I could better recommend it to others in our small group as a help. I felt my life was filled with peace. Then I took the class and all hell broke loose literally just as we were warned it might do. I loved the class and plan to spend the summer or however long the Lord leads just soaking in the material. You both have done and excellent job and will highly recommend this to everyone.